The Copernicus Training and Information Session

The Copernicus Training and Information Session to be held on 12 June 2018 in Bratislava, Slovakia, is part of a series of national Copernicus events. The European Commission is organising the Sessions at the request of, and in collaboration with Member States.

The event aims to promote awareness of the many uses of Copernicus data and information, while providing the opportunity for hands on demonstrations and basic training regarding:

  • The data and information available;
  • Its potential uses and applications, both generally and amongst specific categories of users (Public Authorities , Entrepreneurs, etc.) or business sectors (Copernicus for Land Monitoring, Atmosphere Monitoring etc.);
  • The tools available to access the data and information.

The Copernicus Training and Information Session targets both Copernicus “intermediate” end users (technical) and end user communities (non-technical).

For more information, please refer to the Agenda.

These events are open and free to registered participants. Please go to “Register now” to sign up.

The registration will close on 31st May 2018.

Note that in case the number of participants reaches the maximum capacity of the venue, registration might close at an earlier date. In such a case, priority might also be given to Slovakian participants.


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